A greener alternative to coal and also a lot cheaper

Very experienced wood recycling and biomass producer in Africa

Africa Biomass Company has the most experience in wood recycling and biomass production in Africa. Dimensional wood chips are produced by the removal of alien invasive trees in riparian zones. We then use these chips as a sustainable alternative to coal, putting us at forefront of wood recycling practices.

These wood chips are then used in agri-industrial applications as a greener alternative to coal to produce either heat or electricity.

Wood chips produced from invasive alien trees in the Western Cape, South Africa, have a net approximate calorific value of 15.5 (± 0.5 GJ/t), making it the best alternative to replace coal.

Wood Chips economically competes with coal and outperforms coal in all
environmental aspects.

Is there enough biomass in South Africa?

Resource surveys carried out in the Western Cape, South Africa (audited by CSIR), confirm that sufficient biomass chips are available to replace coal used by agri-industries in that province.

The surveys confirm that approximately 150 000 t.p.a. of unwanted invasive alien trees in riparian zones of the Breede, Zonderend and Berg Rivers exist for harvesting for the next 20 years and beyond.

Why invasive alien trees in riparian zones?

By harvesting these trees, water levels in river systems will increase, the risk of bush fires is reduced and the original fynbos and palmiet systems will return.

Zooming in on Broiler House heating

Physical trials by Africa Biomass Company [ABC] & Calore Sustainable Energy [CSE] on broiler house heating exclusively prove that the efficiency of the modern wood-fired systems outperforms the traditional coal-fired heaters by far.

Using wood chips is a viable alternative to coal, especially in the poultry industry for decentralised heating of broiler houses, as well as for central hot water boilers for hatcheries and broiler houses with central heating systems. It economically competes with coal and outperforms coal in all environmental aspects.

The environmental benefits of using a renewable biofuel are so overwhelming that coal will most likely be phased out over the next couple of years in the poultry industry.